Set your location online/offline if you wish to temporarily stop receiving any orders.

Optionally, include onlineAt time to return online at a preset time.

Endpoint to Call:

PUT /restaurants/{restaurantReference}/online

PUT /restaurants/{restaurantReference}/offline


X-Flyt-API-Key: the API key you received from JET Connect. This API key can be reused across the Menus and Item Availability endpoints. You should not share this API key with anyone outside your organization.

Content-Type: set to application/json if a body is provided

Path Parameters

restaurantReference: unique identifier of the restaurant as provided to and configured by Flyt

status: one of offline or online

Sample Request:

No body is required, but optional onlineAt time to restore online status can be included.

"onlineAt": "2023-04-18T11:03:00"

Response Format

If the request was for a restaurant with valid configuration, you will receive a 202 Accepted coded response

Response Body

Example Success Response