
Configure your location open hours

The Service Times API allows you to update the partner hours for your Skip locations. Previously, setting open hours via integration was only supported by sync’ing to the menu availability defined in the menu payload. If you are using the Service Times endpoint the menu availability must be set to cover the open times of your location, we recommend to set all menu availability to 00:00-23:59 to ensure your menu is always present during open hours.

<aside> 💡 Please inform your JET Connect or Skip partner managers if you plan on managing your hours via this endpoint for an existing integration. A configuration change may be necessary before hours are accepted.

For any questions about updating your integration contact [email protected]


When to use it

Service times = Partner open hours

This update allows partners to send restaurant open and close time directly to SkipTheDishes via a discrete endpoint. This change allows a partner to update open hours and configure menu availability as 2 distinct actions. In practice, a partner can now send a menu that appears all day on the platform, and set specific open and closed hours for the location.

<aside> 🚨 Partners must ensure that menu availability in the menu cover the open times set for a location, otherwise they risk empty menus appearing on Skip.


Request format

Endpoint to call

POST <https://api.flytplatform.com/restaurants/{restaurant_identifier}/servicetimes>


X-Flyt-API-Key: the API key you received from Flyt. This API key can be reused across the Menus and Item Availability endpoints. You should not share this API key with anyone outside your organisation.

Content-Type: specified the content type of your request. Should always be set to application/json.

Path parameters

restaurant_identifier: aka Pos_ID or partnerID, this is the same identifier used to send menus or stock updates for a location.


<aside> 💡 Except if otherwise noted, body attributes are mandatory
