SKIP Free Item Minimum Spend promotion now supports items containing free modifiers. To be eligible for this type of promotion, items cannot contain required modifiers that effectively increase the cost of the item (upcharges for sizing, premium gluten-free options, etc).

In order to enable free-item promotions, you will need to make some changes to your UTF integration using the updated API Documentation found here (found in the Body section under promotions:). Additionally, you may need to work with your POS provider to avoid any manual reconciliation; for example, a price override to make the free item inject into the POS at a cost of $0.00.

Once you have made the necessary integration changes to receive promotional items, please notify us, and your SkipTheDishes account managers so that we may update our records. From here, the rest of the process will occur on the restaurant portal. For more details (including a demo) on setting up a free item promotion, please click here for more details. If any questions arise that the demo does not address, please reach out to your SkipTheDishes account manager for more information, or to talk promotional strategy.

Did you know restaurants that currently use Free Item Promotions have seen, on average


Please see below for sample payload

id: v4(),
    location: {
        id: 2,
        timezone: 'Europe/London',
    driver: {
        first_name: 'Jotaro',
        last_name: 'Kujo',
        phone_number: '12312321',
    items: [{
        name: 'Family Bundle for 4',
        plu: '600001',
        price: 2599,
    }, ],
    promotions: [{
        type: PromotionType.FREE_ITEM_MIN_BASKET,
        items: [{
            name: 'Sausage Breakfast Sandwich',
            plu: '606844',
            price: 379,
            children: [{
                  name: 'Bagel instead of bread',
                  plu: '601573',
                  price: 0,
        }, ]
    created_at: futureDateInSeconds(0),
    channel: {
        id: 100,
        name: 'SKIP',
    collect_at: futureDateInSeconds(1),
    collection_notes: 'Please leave by front door',
    kitchen_notes: 'Add salt',
    third_party_order_reference: '12345678',
    total: 128,
    payment_method: PaymentMethod.Card,
    tender_type: 'SKIP',
    payment: {
        items_in_cart: {
            inc_tax: 119,
            tax: 9,
        final: {
            inc_tax: 119,
            tax: 9,
        adjustments: [],
    delivery: {
        first_name: 'Bat',
        last_name: 'Man',
        phone_number: '28 05 2003',
        line_one: '13/16, Elm St',
        line_two: 'Flyt',
        city: 'London',
        postcode: 'WC1X 0BL',
        email: '[email protected]',
        coordinates: {
            latitude: 51.509865,
            longitude: -0.118092,
            latitude_as_string: '51.509865',
            longitude_as_string: '-0.118092',
        phone_masking_code: "test",